F3 Goldendoodle
aka Zeus Junior/ ZJ, 33 lb. He is just like his dad Zeus the lead of his pack. A bright, friendly doodle.
He is born to lead. He is fearless, confident.
Simply gorgeous male Sire. He has super soft silky wavy coat, we cannot stop trying to pet his coat.
Jinx has very deep red mahogany coat with some white markings. He takes the throne of his dad, Zeus.
Marley 20 lb
Marley is a beautiful male puppy. Very cute, perfect Teddy Bear face and soft coatcoat. Marley has red coat party markings. He is super mellow, bright and calm in nature. He is one of our therapy Doodle visiting hospitals, Hospice care and schools. Patients and children always wait patiently for his visitation. He brings joy and happiness with his presence to those in needs. He passes his good temperament and physical traits to his puppies